


类型:剧情 枪战 武侠 
语言:国语 韩语 粤语 
洗屋先生(shēng )我和(🕖)(hé )那樱花未增删带(😗)翻译洗屋先生:我和那樱花(huā )在(🥌)东京(jī(🤜)ng )有(🏄)一个传(chuán )统的故(gù )事(shì ),讲述了一位被称为洗屋先生的年迈修道士。他(tā )以洗刷屋顶的(🌰)技能闻名于世,并且有一种神奇的(de )力量:他每次洗(xǐ )屋都(dōu )能(néng )让(🎑)所洗的屋(wū )顶立刻绽放出鲜艳的(de )樱花。洗(xǐ )屋(wū )先生年轻时在(zài )一座庙洗屋(🈳)先生我和(🚓)那樱花未增删带翻译








樱花未增删(Sakura Miazaki),一位年轻的建筑学学生,一直对洗屋先生的故事充满着向往。她深知要成为一名优秀的建筑师,必须要学会专注,并将内心的爱与热情融(👄)入到设计中。




Mr. Washi - Me and the Sakura

In Tokyo, there is a traditional story about an elderly monk known as Mr. Washi. He is famous for his roofing skills and has a magical power: every time he cleans a roof, it immediately blossoms with vibrant cherry blossoms.

When Mr. Washi was young, he practiced in a temple. He was fascinated by the magical cherry blossoms and would visit nearby cherry trees every year to admire them. One day, while he was renovating the temple, he accidentally discovered a vine covered in cherry blossoms on the roof. He decided to wash away the vine using his skills, and to his surprise, more cherry blossoms bloomed at the spot where the vine had been attached.

From that day on, Mr. Washi used this magical skill in his renovation work. He would sprinkle cherry seeds on every roof he worked on, and then use his magical water to wash them, causing cherry blossoms to bloom on the roof.

People were captivated by Mr. Washi's skills, especially during festive seasons when the entire city's rooftops would be adorned with beautiful cherry blossoms. Many sought his expertise, hoping to have their own roofs adorned with such magnificent flowers.

In recent years, Mr. Washi's fame spread beyond Japan. People from all over the world flocked to Tokyo, wanting to witness this magical sight firsthand. They shared photos of roofs blooming with cherry blossoms on social media, further elevating Mr. Washi's reputation.

However, Mr. Washi remained humble despite his fame and praise. He knew that his skill came from his love for cherry blossoms and his dedication to his work. He strongly believed that only by truly loving what one does can it be taken to the highest level.

Sakura Mizaki, a young architecture student, had always been inspired by Mr. Washi's story. She knew that to become an excellent architect, she had to learn to focus and integrate her love and passion into her designs.

One day, when she finally visited Mr. Washi's temple, she couldn't help but shed tears of excitement. Mr. Washi and she sat down and discussed various topics regarding renovation and architecture. He encouraged her to pursue her passion and told her that only by truly loving architecture could she become an outstanding architect.

After graduating, Sakura Mizaki became a highly acclaimed architect. She infused her love for cherry blossoms and nature into her designs, and each project became a work of art. Her works were called the "modern version of Mr. Washi."

The story of Mr. Washi and Sakura Mizaki is highly inspiring. It teaches us that only by truly loving our profession can we take it to its fullest potential. Whether it's renovation or architectural design, focus, love, and passion are the most important factors. It is this focus and passion that allow our works to bloom as beautifully as cherry blossoms in the world.

小(xiǎo )说(shuō )中另一(yī )个(gè )重要的主(zhǔ(🚒) )题是家庭关系(🈶)。叶(yè )文(wén )洁在(zà(🌀)i )教师生涯中遇(yù )到了很多(duō )有趣的学生(shēng ),每(měi )一个学生都有(🍐)着自己独(dú )特的(de )家庭(tíng )背(🍭)景和故事(shì )。有的孩子来自破碎的家(jiā )庭,有的孩子受到(dào )家庭过度期(👪)望的压力,有的孩(hái )子则受到亲人(rén )的溺爱。通过对学生们的描写,钱钟书(🕺)展(zhǎn )示(👚)(shì )了不(bú )同家庭(tíng )对(😐)孩子成长的(de )不同影响。
